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Christine Kielpinski has been my personal trainer for 13+ years.   I have had much success reaching my goals with Christine supporting, coaching, training and educating me throughout the years.  It is interesting that in the beginning my sessions were to be for physical fitness, keep my metabolism going, burn calories, control weight, feel fit and trim. But, these sessions deepen to be an exchange of thoughts and ideas which help to decrease stress, offer solutions to problems, educate new ways to help and treat some of my chronic issues. As a result, I continue to enjoy sports like tennis and golf and continue a youthful lifestyle, and feel emotionally balanced.

Christine is an extremely knowledgeable person in many, various disciplines from weight training to cycling to Yoga to nutrition.  She lives what she teaches and is a wonderful role model to health and wellness.  She is compassionate, positive, flexible and deeply committed to the success of her clients.  If you are motivated, Christine is your Trainer!!!   -Lynn T.

     Christine has been my trainer for 3 years and she always finds the right workout to fit my needs, whether we work outside or in her studio . Her versatility always has new challenges to increase my strength and flexibility. Whether we do Deep Water Conditioning, a Medicine Ball session outside, Weight Training , TRX, or an hour of Push- ups in a variety of positions, she always finds the best workout .    -Steve T.

     We were attending an event on top of Mount Greylock. My husband decided to take the option of hiking from the bottom to the top. Of course, I must join him ! I had my doubts, but I know my consistent workouts with Christine since 2000 keep my heart and muscles strong. I did it! I also kayak and snorkel with him on our vacations.  When my group of grand-children decide to jump on Bicycles, I do too. Thanks to Christine I can do anything!  -Judy

Personal Training

Training Sessions with Christine are just that....Personal; with me, in our Personal Space.  Your sessions are Private; with no one else around, unless you choose to bring a Training Partner. 


Small Group Training decreases your individual cost, but does not decrease your results.  We can also take our Personal Training sessions Outdoors.  My Clients really enjoy this change of venue.


My Specialty:  Getting you Stronger; yet smaller, faster and fitter through increased efficiency, more able through agility, more fluid through flexibility and alignment.


Your results are achieved at an accelerated rate with a Trainer.  I have a Trainer.  Even Professional athletes have coaches and trainers...Better performance, quicker results.


Personal Training is for you.  Age, size, current fitness level matters not.  You will improve your health, and well-being. I will motivate you to set and attain your goals for positive improvement:  cardiovascular endurance, muscular strength/tone, agility, flexibility, weight management, range of motion, and quality of life.   I will do the planning; and You work the plan.  


I will work with you in my Studio or Your Location--Your preference. I have the workout equipment that travels with me in my FitMobile.   I can also provide follow on Personal Training via the Internet or Telephone when face to face sessions are not possible.  This service is optimal when you are ready to continue on your own.


Rate = Depends on location, Number in Session, and Duration.  Small Group Training decreases your individual cost, but does not decrease your results.







      Christine has been my personal trainer for nine (9) years.  During that time, she has helped me build a great deal of strength and stamina.  She has the unique ability to identify the areas of the body that need to be focused upon, areas where strength will bring you to a level of fitness that defies age, mine in particular as I am 76 yrs old. 

     Her workouts are varied and interesting and while intense at times, are always enjoyable. Christine combines a great personality with great sensitivity, so one always leaves a workout feeling better in every way.

     With Christine’s help I am able to spin, walk, and hike three (3) times per week. Additionally, I have the flexibility and strength to travel several time each year to many varied locations throughout the world. 

    - Loretta S.

     I first met Christine in the summer of 2015 when I joined Christine’s biweekly group workout. I was an average 56 year old; not in bad shape, but had never really “worked out” nor had an exercise regime. I could barely walk the next day (ha!!), but felt so energized I went to the next session, and have rarely missed a session since. Group ages range from the young side (me) to well over 80, and most are regulars, both women and a few men. Not all (or actually any!) have any high aspirations of running marathons, climbing the Himalayas, or competing in the Tour de France. But we all love moving and building & maintaining strength, mobility and balance; and, Christine absolutely shines in helping us all. Workouts are downright FUN, and even in a disparate group setting she’s able to offer helpful advice (and encouragement) to everyone.  From “go at your own pace” to “if you want more,” when/how to breathe, to what to focus on (“tuck in your tailbone” “drop your shoulders” “elbows down/up” “bellybutton in” etc), she’s with (and watching) each of us all the way. All that, plus a never ending variety of work outs (including yoga).  Could it get any better? YES!!!

     Had a few private sessions with Christine to address some personal concerns (hip pain; prepping for downhill skiing season, etc). Got better advice than from any doctor, complete with hot/cold therapy, stretching/rolling movements, and strength exercises. 

  Know this is a long post, but if you’re looking for a personal trainer, look no further. No matter what your goals are... big or small’ll be energized, wanting more, and smiling all the way with Christine!!!  -Paula D.

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