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Cross Country Skiing Workshops

What skiers do when they want to ski better and be more at ease.  Less Falls=More Fun.  Fewer Spills=More Thrills


Trainer/Coach, Christine Kielpinski, NCAA Div I Nationally ranked skier ('93, '94) will help you improve your cross country skiing skills through specific coaching in the eight different strokes of Skate Skiing for all terrain, or in the different Classic Diagonal Stride techniques:

Improving balance on skis (Glide & Stride)

How to get/use “Kick” (Glide & Stride)

Gaining Glide (Glide & Stride)

Poling smoothly (Glide & Stride)

Easier uphills (Hills & No Spills)

Gaining control and confidence on downhills  (Hills & No Spills)

Cornering & Maneuvering smoothly (Hills & No Spills)

Cruising downhills (Hills & No Spills)

How to slooow to a comfortable speed (Hills & No Spills)

Changing Gears for changing grades (both)

Optimizing use of different techniques-Glide/Stride, Double-pole, Double-pole kick (both)


Adventure Rate = Depends on location, Number in group, and Duration


Call:  (413) 281 - 7616

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